Name |
William Henry Hall |
Born |
26 Sep 1828 |
Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts |
- 1828 HALL William Henry, s. John C. and Hurriet, Sept. 26, 1828 Birth Oxford
Gender |
Male |
Group |
Hall Direct Descendant |
- A person who is a direct descendant of any colonial New England Hall Family
Group |
Halls of Rehoboth - DNA Family 006 |
- Descendants of Edward Hall of Rehoboth, Massachusetts (Hall DNA Family 006), and extended and allied families and their ancestors.
Died |
12 May 1830 |
Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts |
- 1830 HALL William Henry, s. John C. and Harriet, May 12, 1830, a. 2. Death Oxford
Person ID |
I7051 |
New England Hall Families Master Tree |
Last Modified |
17 Oct 2017 |
Father |
John Cutler Hall, b. Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts , d. Unknown |
Mother |
Harriet Smith, b. Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts , d. Unknown |
Married |
3 Nov 1824 |
Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts |
- 1824 HALL John C. of Millbury and Harriet Smith, Nov 3, 1824. Marriage Oxford
1824 SMITH Harriet and John C. Hall of Millbury, Nov. 3, 1824. Marriage Oxford
Family ID |
F994 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |