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- From FindaGrave:
Wife of Deacon Benjamin Burt & Daughter of Joseph Winslow died june 29th 1862 Aged 71
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This source is taken from the: Winslow Memorial, Family Records of Winslows and their Descendants in America, with the English Ancestry as far As Known.
Added by Find A Grave ID: 51346066:
"Sinia Winslow, born 16 August, 1790, Freetown, Massachusetts; died there, 30 June, 1862, aged 71, and was buried in the Winslow Yard. She married in 1815, Deacon Benjamin Burt, of Freetown, born 16 May 1789, Berkley, Massachusetts, son of Simeon Burt and Elizabeth Pitts of Berkley. He was one of the pioneers to the temperance cause; has been justice of the peace and deacon in the Congregational church over fifty years. He was for many years engaged in trade in Assonet Village."