Lillie Myrtle Hall

Lillie Myrtle Hall

Female 1893 - Unknown

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  • Name Lillie Myrtle Hall 
    Born 30 Mar 1893  Vineland, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • New Jersey, Births and Christenings Index, 1660-1931
      Name:       Lillie M Hall
      Gender:       Female
      Birth Date:       30 Mar 1892
      Birth Place:       Land , Cumberland, New Jersey
      Father:       Wm L Hall
      Mother:       Isabella T Bocher
      FHL Film Number:       494222
    Gender Female 
    FamilySearch ID 97NL-35C 
    Group Halls of Newport - DNA Family 012 
    • Descendants of John Hall of Newport, Rhode Island
    Census 1895  Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1895 New Jersey State 
    • p. 26
      William L Hall     W  M  Age 20-60
      Isabell T    "       W  F   Age 20-60
      Lillie M      "       W  F   Age  < 5
      William S   "      W  M   Age < 5
      Florinda     "      W   F   Age > 60
    1900 Census 13 Jun 1900  Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • ED 134, sheet 8B
      Hall, William      Head  W  M  Dec  1865  34  Md  8           NJ  MA  RI   Farmer
      ---, Belle            Wife  W  F  Sept  1871  28  Md  8  3  3   PA  PA  PA
      ---, Lillie M          Dau  W  F  Mar   1893    7  S                NJ   NJ  PA
      ---, William S      Son  W  M  Mar   1895    5  S                NJ   NJ  PA
      ---, Linden O       Son  W  M  Oct   1897    2  S                NJ   NJ  PA
      ---, Florinda    Mother  W  F   Dec  1826  73  Wd    4  4   MA  MA  MA
    Census 15 Jun 1905  Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1905 New Jersey State 
    • ED 2, sheet 15A
      Hall, William L.      W  M  Dec  1865  39  Md   NJ   RI   RI    Carpenter
      ---, Isabell             W  F  Sept  1870  34  Md   PA  PA  PA
      ---, Lillie M.           W  F  Mch   1893  12  S     NJ  NJ   PA   Student
      ---, William S        W  M  Mch  1895  10  S     NJ  NJ   PA    Student
      ---, Lyndon O        W  M  Oct   1897    7  S     NJ  NJ   PA
      ---, Isabell E.         W  F  Oct   1900    4  S     NJ  NJ   PA
    1910 Census 21 Apr 1910  Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • ED 115, sheet 8A
      Elmer Road
      Hall, William L         Head  M  W  44        M1  17          NJ   RI   MA   Labor - Farm
      ---, Isabelle T           Wife  F  W  39        M1  17  6  6   PA  PA  PA
      ---, Lillie M               Dau   F  W  17        S                  NJ   NJ  PA   Laborer - Grape Factory
      ---, William S           Son   M  W  15        S                  NJ   NJ  PA  
      ---, Lyndon O           Son   M  W  12        S                  NJ   NJ  PA  
      ---, Isabelle E           Dau   F  W    9        S                  NJ   NJ  PA  
      ---, Frank K              Son  M  W    3        S                  NJ   NJ  PA  
      ---, Florinda R           Dau  F  W     3/12  S                  NJ   NJ  PA
    Census 7 Jun 1915  Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1915 New Jersey State 
    • ED 4, Sheet 4A
      Hall, William     W  M  Dec  1865  49  Md   NJ  RI    RI   Carpenter
      ---, Isabelle      W   F  Sep  1870  44  Md   PA  PA  PA
      ---, Lily M        W   F  Mch  1892  23  S     NJ  NJ   PA
      ---, William S   W  M  Mch  1895  20  S     NJ  NJ   PA   Carpenter
      ---, Lyndon O   W  M  Oct   1897  17  S     NJ  NJ   PA   Carpenter
      ---, Isabella       W  F  Oct   1900  14  S     NJ  NJ   PA
      ---, Frank K      W  M  May  1906   9  S     NJ  NJ   PA   Scholar
      ---, Ruth           W   F  Jun  1910   5  S     NJ  NJ   PA
    Died Unknown 
    Person ID I19303  New England Hall Families Master Tree
    Last Modified 21 Sep 2020 

    Father William Lilly Hall,   b. 5 Dec 1865, Vineland, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Dec 1946, Millville, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 81 years) 
    Mother Isabella Tressa Bocher,   b. Abt Sep 1870, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Oct 1941, Vineland, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 71 years) 
    Married 1892  Vineland, Cumberland County, New Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F9165  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 30 Mar 1893 - Vineland, Cumberland County, New Jersey Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1895 New Jersey State - 1895 - Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1900 Census - 13 Jun 1900 - Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1905 New Jersey State - 15 Jun 1905 - Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1910 Census - 21 Apr 1910 - Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1915 New Jersey State - 7 Jun 1915 - Landis Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Badges
    Halls of Newport, Rhode Island - DNA Family 012
    Halls of Newport, Rhode Island - DNA Family 012