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- From FindaGrave:
in ye 83d year of His Age
[His father died when he was two years old and he grew up in New Haven with his mother & step-father. At 21 years of age, he returned to Stratford to claim the land that he inherited from his father.
He married Mary Hawley, daughter of Joseph & Katherine (Birdseye) Hawley on December 2, 1682 in Stratford. On August 3, 1684, they joined the Stratford church. John Coe was propounded a freeman of Stratford in May of 1687 and was chosen a deputy for Stratford to the General Court in Hartford in 1701.
John Coe was commissioned ensign of the Foot Company of Stratford in 1698, lieutenant in 1706, and captain in 1709.
On December 20, 1709, the town of Stratford allowed Captain Judson and Captain Coe to maintain a dam at the falls of Paquounock River for their saw mill as long as they or their heirs shall maintain a mill there. -courtesy of Nareen Lake]