Olive Isora McNulty

Olive Isora McNulty

Female 1884 - 1986  (101 years)

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  • Name Olive Isora McNulty 
    Born 29 Apr 1884  Rollinsford, Strafford County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ancestry.com. New Hampshire, Births and Christenings Index, 1714-1904
      Name:      McNulty
      Birth Date:      29 Apr 1884
      Birth Place:      Rollinsford, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States
      Gender:      Female
      Race:      White
      Ethnicity:      Canadian
      Father's name:      John McNulty
      Mother's name:      Viola S Hall
      FHL Film Number:      1001019

      Ancestry.com. New Hampshire, Birth Records, 1659-1900
      Name:      McNulty
      Gender:      Female
      Birth Date:      29 Apr 1884
      Birth Place:      Rollinsford, New Hampshire, USA
      2nd child
      Father:      John McNulty, age 27, b. Ireland, Spinner
      Mother:      Viola S Hall, age 20, b. Clifton, Me.
    Gender Female 
    FindaGrave Memorial ID 160982461 
    1900 Census 1 Jun 1900  Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • ED 190, sheet 11A
      Bell Avenue
      McNulty, John          Head  W  M  Oct  1857  43  Md  19           Ireland  Ireland     Ireland  1867 33 Na  Laundryman
      ---, Viola S.               Wife  W   F  Dec  1863  36  Md  19  5  5   ME       England  ME
      ---, J. Annie               Dau  W   F  May  1882  18  S                  NH        Ireland    ME
      ---, Olive D.               Dau   W  F  Apr    1884  16  S                  NH        Ireland    ME
      ---, Walter A.             Son  W  M  Aug   1886  13  S                  NH        Ireland    ME
      ---, J. William             Son  W  M  July   1888  11  S                  NH        Ireland    ME
      ---, Bessie V.             Dau  W   F  Sept  1891    8  S                  NH        Ireland    ME
    1910 Census 22 Apr 1910  Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ward 7, ED 765, sheet 19A
      884 Massachusetts Avenue
      McNulty, Jennie A     Head  F  W  27  S   NH  ME  ME   Stenographer - Insurance
      ---, Olive I.               Sister   F  W  25  S   NH  ME  ME   Teacher - Public School
    1920 Census 7 Jan 1920  Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ward 4, ED 69, sheet 7B
      13 Auburn Street
      Stevens, Harold D.     Head  M  W  37         Md   ME  ME       ME   Salesman - Trav. Men's Clothes
      ---, Olive I                   Wife   F  W  35         Md   NH   Ireland  ME
      ---, David H.                Son   M  W   7         S      MA  ME       NH
      ---, Richard A.             Son  M  W     11/12  S      NH  ME       MH
    1930 Census 10 Apr 1930  Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ward 3, ED 12, sheet 9B
      30 Roger Ave.
      Stevens, Harold S     Head  M  W  47  Md  28   ME  ME                   ME   Traveling Salesman - Wholesale Mens Furnishings
      ---, Olive I                  Wife   F  W  45  Md  26   NH  Northern Ireland  ME
      ---, David H                 Son  M  W  18  S           MA  ME                   NH
      ---, Richard A              Son  M  W  11  S           NH   ME                  NH
      ---, Robert E                Son  M  W   5  S           NH   ME                  NH
    1940 Census 16 Apr 1940  Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ward 3, ED 7-14, sheet 10A
      30 Rogers Ave.
      Stevens, Olive I      Head  F  W  55  Wd  NH     1935: Same House
      ---, David H.            Son  M  W  28  S     Mass.         "                     Salesman - Retail Clothing
      ---, Richard A          Son  M  W  21  S     NH              "                    Salesman - Office Supplies
      ---, Robert E            Son  M  W  14  S     NH              "
    Died 2 Jan 1986  Winthrop, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ancestry.com. Massachusetts Death Index, 1970-2003
      Name:      Olive I Stevens
      Certificate:      016006
      Death Place:      Winthrop
      Death Date:      2 Jan 1986
      Birth Place:      New Hampshire
      Birth Date:      29 Apr 1984
    Buried Aft 2 Jan 1986  Exeter Cemetery, Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I12285  New England Hall Families Master Tree
    Last Modified 30 Oct 2017 

    Father John Thomas McNulty,   b. 28 Oct 1856, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Feb 1925, Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 68 years) 
    Mother Viola Sophia Hall,   b. 28 Dec 1863, Clifton, Penobscot County, Maine Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 12 Feb 1920, Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 56 years) 
    Married 21 Dec 1881  Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ancestry.com. New Hampshire, Marriage Records Index, 1637-1947
      Name:      John McNulty
      Marriage Date:      21 Dec 1881
      Event Type:      Marriage
      Marriage Place:      Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      Birth Date:      abt 1856
      Age:      25
      Gender:      Male
      Father's name:      Hugh
      Mother's name:      Sarah
      Spouse Name:      Viola S Hall
      Spouse Age:      18
      Spouse Gender:      Female
      Spouse Father's Name:      James G
      Spouse Mother's Name:      Jane
      FHL Film Number:      1001282
    Family ID F6265  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Harold David Stevens,   b. 16 Jun 1882, Guilford, Piscataquis County, Maine Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Aug 1938, Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 56 years) 
    Married 1 Sep 1910  Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Ancestry.com. New Hampshire, Marriage Records Index, 1637-1947
      Name:      Olive Isora McNulty
      Marriage Date:      1 Sep 1910
      Event Type:      Marriage
      Marriage Place:      Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      Birth Date:      abt 1884
      Age:      26
      Gender:      Female
      Father's name:      John McNulty
      Mother's name:      Viola Sophia Hall
      Spouse Name:      Harold David Stevens
      Spouse Age:      28
      Spouse Gender:      Male
      Spouse Father's Name:      George Fred Stevens
      Spouse Mother's Name:      Annette Folsom
      FHL Film Number:      2070085

      Ancestry,com. New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947
      Name:      Olive Isora McNulty of Exeter, NH
      Age at Marriage:      26
      Birth Year:      abt 1884
      Birth Place:      Salmon Falls, New Hampshire
      Father:      John McNulty, of Exeter, NH, age 53, Gardener, b. Inniskey, Ireland
      Mother:      Viola Sophia Hall of Exeter, age 46, b. Clifton, Me.
      1st marriage

      Spouse:      Harold David Stevens of Cambridge, MA, Salesman, b. Guilford, ME
      Spouse Birth Place:      Guilford, Maine
      Spouse Age at Marriage:      28
      Spouse Father:      George Fred Stevens, Dead, age 64, b. Guilford, Me.
      Spouse Mother:      Annette Folsom of Cambridge, Mass., age 69, b. Old Town, Me.
      1st Marriage

      Record Type:      Marriage
      Intentions: Sept 1, 1910
      Marriage Date:      1 Sep 1910
      Marriage Place:      Exeter, New Hampshire, USA
      Married by William Woods of Lawrence, Mass., Clergyman
      Year Range:      1901-1937
     1. David Hall Stevens,   b. 8 Feb 1912, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 8 May 2002, Everett, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 90 years)
     2. Richard Arthur Stevens,   b. 16 Feb 1919, Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 21 May 1999, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 80 years)
     3. Robert E. Stevens,   b. Abt 1925, New Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Unknown
    Last Modified 29 Oct 2017 
    Family ID F6271  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 29 Apr 1884 - Rollinsford, Strafford County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1900 Census - 1 Jun 1900 - Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1910 Census - 22 Apr 1910 - Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 1 Sep 1910 - Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1920 Census - 7 Jan 1920 - Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1930 Census - 10 Apr 1930 - Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google Maps1940 Census - 16 Apr 1940 - Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 2 Jan 1986 - Winthrop, Suffolk County, Massachusetts Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - Aft 2 Jan 1986 - Exeter Cemetery, Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Badges
    Halls of Taunton - DNA Family 024
    Halls of Taunton - DNA Family 024