Name |
Conway Whittle Cooke [1] |
Born |
18 Jun 1894 |
Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Group |
Hall Direct Descendant |
- A person who is a direct descendant of any colonial New England Hall Family
Group |
Halls of Wallingford - DNA Family 032 |
- Descendants of John Hall and Jane Woolen of New Haven and Wallingford.
FamilySearch ID |
MV53-SP2 |
Marriage Announcement |
23 Jan 1898 |
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania |
The Times |
- One of the most beautiful weddings of the season occurred at Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday, the 18th instant, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr. Edward Duffy, of the Baltimore bar, a son of the late Judge Duffy, and Miss Chloe Tyler Sams. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J. Julius Sams, the father of the bride, who has been for twenty years the pastor of the church. The building was elaborately decorated with palms and white carnations, and during the entrance and exit of the bridal party the wedding marches from Mendelssohn and Lohengrin were played by the organist of the afternoon choir. State's Attorney Henry Duffy, a brother of the groom, acted as his best man on the occasion, the ushers being Ralph Duffy (another brother), Charles Rich, Arthur Cole and Frank Powell. The bride, who wore a mousselaine de soie over white taffeta and carried Bride roses and white carnations, entered the church leaning upon the arm of her brother, Hon. Conway Whittle Sams. Her little niece, Chloe Tyler Cooke, of Richmond, Virginia, who performed the part of maid of honor, and was clad in mousselaine de soie over white taffeta, carryinh a bouquet of pink roses and carnations in her hand, also accompanied her to the altar. Among those who witnessed the ceremony were Mrs. Edward Duffy and Misses Blanche, Maude and Grace Duffy, the mother and sisters of the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Cooke and Master Conway Whittle Cooke, of Richmond.
Miss Sams is a granddaughter of the late Conway Whittle, a wealthy and influential citizen of Norfolk, Virginia, and a great-granddaughter of Chancellor Tyler, of Williamsburg, a cousin of Ex-President Tyler. Her brother, Hon. Conway Whittle Sams, a well-known member of the Baltimore bar, is an ex-member of the Maryland State Legislature, and is consul general of the League of American Wheelmen.
1900 Census |
1 Jun 1900 |
Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia |
- Clay Ward, ED 56, sheet 2A
936 Grace Street
Cooke, James A Head W M Oct 1850 49 Md 10 NC VT VA Book Keeper Bank
---, Mary S Wife W F Dec 1868 31 Md 10 2 2 SC SC VA
---, Cloe T Dau W F Feb 1891 9 S VA NC SC
---, Conway W Son W M June 1894 5 S VA NC SC
James A Cooke Family in 1900 Census
1910 Census |
20 Apr 1910 |
Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland |
- Ward 11, ED 171, sheet 4B
150 Lanvale St.
Sams, James J Head M W 84 Wd SC SC SC Clergyman - Own Income
Cooke, Addison Son-i-L M W 59 M1 20 SC VT VA Accountant
---, Mary L. Dau F W 44 M1 20 3 3 SC SC VA
---, Sara L. GDau F W 19 S VA SC SC
---, Conway GSon M W 15 S VA SC SC
---, Addison B GSon M W 7 S MD SC SC
James J Sams and James Addison Cooke families in 1910 Census
Military Service |
From 1917 to 1919 |
United States Army during World War I |
- Maryland Military Men, 1917-18
Name: Conway Whittle Cooke
Race: white
Address: 150 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore
Birth Place: Staunton, Va.
Birth Date: 18 Jun 1892
Comment: NG pvt, Co M 5 Md. Inf; Off Tng Camp Ft Myer Va. 5/31/17, Hon disch 8/14/17, ORC 8/15/17 capt Inf, 317 Inf; Army School of the Line 9/28/18; Visitors Bur Det Hq Dist of Paris 1/4/19; Casual 6/17/19, Hon disch 6/28/19, Overseas 5/26/18 to 6/27/19, Artois Sector; Somme Off; Meuse-Argonne
Maryland in the World War 1917-1919; Military and Naval Service Records, Volumes I & II
Serbian Order of St. Sava
1920 Census |
12 Jan 1920 |
Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland |
- Ward 11, ED 174, sheet 7B
150 W. Lanvale St.
Cooke, Mary L. Head F W 53 Wd SC SC VA
---, Conway W. Son M W 25 S VA NC SC Agent - Oil
---, Addison Son M W 17 S MD NC SC
Poe, Sarah L. Lodger F W 44 S MD MD GA
Jenkins, Mary A. Companion F W 67 Wd MD Ireland Ireland Companion - Private Family
Mary Cooke Family in 1920 Census
Newspaper Article |
28 Nov 1923 |
New York, New York County, New York |
The Outlook, pp. 589-591 |
- An Expanding Doctrine
by Conway Whittle Cooke
An Expanding Doctrine by Conway Whittle Cooke
1930 Census |
17 Apr 1930 |
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia |
- Precinct 8, Valley Vista, ED 191, sheet 34B
Belmont Road
Cooke, Conway Head M W 35 Md 30 VA VA US Lawyer - General Practice
---, Marian J. Wife F W 34 Md 29 AL AL LA
---, Mary B. Dau F W 2 6/12 S DC VA AL
Conway W Cooke family in 1930 census
1940 Census |
5 May 1940 |
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia |
- ED 1-242, sheet 15B
3012 A Street
Cooke, Conway W. Head M W 45 Md Virginia 1935: Same Place Asst Supervisor - WPA
---, Marion J. Wife F W 44 Md Alabama "
---, Mary B. Dau F W 12 S District of Columbia "
---, Eliz. R. Dau F W 9 S District of Columbia "
Conway Cooke family in the 1940 Census
Died |
8 Oct 1953 |
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia [1] |
Obituary |
11 Oct 1953 |
Washington, District of Columbia, District of Colombia |
Washington Post |
- COOKE, CONWAY WHITTLE. On Thursday, October 8, 1953, at Mount Alto Hospital. CONWAY WHITTLE COOKE, husband of Marion J. Cooke, father of Mrs. Mary Branch Fleming and Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph Hoover of Washington, D.C.; brother of Addison B. Cooke of Philadelphia, Pa. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel, 1756 Pennsylvania ave., nw. Services will be held at Fort Myer Chapel on Tuesday, October 13, at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery.
Buried |
13 Oct 1953 |
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia |
- U.S. National Cemetery Interment Control Forms, 1928-1962
Name: Conway Whittle Cooke
Death Date: 8 Oct 1953
Cemetery: Arlington National Cemetery
Burial Location: Arlington, Virginia
U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006
Name: Conway Whittle Cooke
Service Info.: CAPT INF USA
Birth Date: 18 Jun 1894
Death Date: 8 Oct 1953
Service Start Date: 15 Aug 1917
Interment Date: 13 Oct 1953
Cemetery: Arlington National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: C/O Director Arlington, VA 22211
Buried At: Section 10 Site 10686-1
Report of Interment for Capt. Conway Whittle Cooke (1894-1953) Arlington National Cemetery |
Capt. Conway Whittle Cooke (1894-1953) Headstone at Arlington National Cemetery |
Conway and Marion Cooke Headstones at Arlington National Cemetery |
Arlington National Cemetery Photo by James Seidelman at |
Person ID |
I11563 |
New England Hall Families Master Tree |
Last Modified |
6 Oct 2022 |